
Buffy Episode 2.22: Becoming Part 2

Today's episode is all about Buffy Season 2 Episode 22: Becoming; Wherein Buffy loses everything but herself and we need a f***ing truckload of Kleenex. We talk at great length about this masterpiece because So much happens in this episode, and all of it is crazy important; we discuss some (we think) theories about Whistler and his origins and why maybe we’re supposed to not like him, discuss how the story progresses through both metaphor and character in masterful strokes that show us what is happening to Buffy, defend and also discuss Xander’s worst lie ever and why he says what he does.

This episode transcends all that comes before it in many ways; marking an end of the innocence and previous reality for Buffy and all of her Scoobies, both as metaphor and as characters. One major hallmark of this is the strong and blatant correlation to Buffy showing her mom that she is the Slayer as a coming out, and coding Slayers as bi-sexaul, a trend that if you are watching for it (and believe us, as we're watching) is thick and fascinating as a motivator for much of the rest of the show. This is the event horizon that catapults Buffy into a new world of storytelling and metaphor from here on out. 

As always, thank you so much for listening! Please comment, like, share, and participate in any way you see fit to help us boost our signal. Make sure to like us of Facebook and feel free to email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

After some technological near-disasters where the audio of this episode was saved only by the talents of Michelle's techno-pagan boyfriend Alex, we are finally back on track and ready to go! You can ignore our discussion of taking a week off and get your engines running for what comes next. There will be custom cocktails, more explicit discussion of myth in Buffy, and maybe even some Mad Libs. 

Stay tuned!!! 

Buffy Episode 2.21: Becoming Part 1

In our show we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 21: Becoming Part 1; Wherein Angelus demonstrates once again that he is really smart, but also really fucking stupid; Kendra, Slayer of the Vampyres, breaks the first rule of slaying; and, offscreen in Boston, the next slayer is called.

This episode is the first half on one of the most impactful season ends in the history of television. There is an incredible scope of storytelling and foreshadowing going on, all while masterfully expanding our understanding of Angel as a character as well as seeing the origin story of our vampire cast, our knowledge of the Buffyverse, and our big feels that lead up to the heartbreak at the end of the season. We also see very interesting work at expanding our conversation about what happens when you become a vampire and how who you were before and how you are turned dictate much of what type of demon you will become. 

We talk about a lot and cover a ton of very interesting ideas. Among them, the possible origins of Acathla, our glimpse into Scoopy normality, the brilliant conflicts between the characters as both metaphor and people, and work at moving forward with queer metaphors. 

Thank you so much for listening! Please make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website, comment wherever you see fit to keep the conversation going, and as always we are happy to hear from you if you email us any time at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com

We’ll see you next time for Becoming Part 2

And in case you wanted to get more information on queerness and production coding, allow us to present The Celluloid Closet: 

Buffy Episode 2.19: I Only Have Eyes For You

In today's show we talk at great length about Buffy Season 2 Episode 19: I Only Have Eyes for You - Wherein we watch a little masterpiece. We discuss the transcendent nature of this episode in particular, as well as discuss some potent foreshadowing, the potential time-disruptive influence of Angelus and the Slayer on the Hellmouth's magic. We speculate on a lot, actually, including whether or not Snider is human.

This episode is a major turning point in the course of Buffy and Angel and is famous for showing Joss Whedon that David Boreanaz had what it took to cary his own show. We also see a major turning point in this episode in how Angelus decides to deal with his emotions and Buffy, and explore the flipping of the typical gender narrative which will carry us through next week's episode. 

As always thank you so much for listening. Be sure to like us on Facebook, go to our website for updates and extras, and as always, we would love to hear from you - info@diogenesclubpodcast.com

And in case you feel the need to watch this again because we brought it up and it is impossible to talk about this song without wanting to watch it. 

Buffy Episode 2.17: Passion

Note: due to Snard's new job, we are now updating the podcast on Wednesdays for the foreseeable future. 

In today's episode we discuss the incomparable masterpiece of Buffy Season 2 Episode 17, Passion: Wherein... oh, mercy. 

We drink scotch and delay often, discuss the Shakespearean quality of this episode. We go into depth into the storytelling language of the film medium, lots and lots of costume analysis, and, well... this is one of our favorite episodes. 

We also speculate about the nature of Angelus' crime against the gypsies (hint: he might have turned her instead of killing her. And maybe had her kill her family...)

This episode begins asking the big question of the season: who are you when you have nothing left? And we begin to see what Buffy's answer might be. Plus, Snard/Michelle reveals who Giles' Greek myth counterpart is. Hint: his symbol is a flaming torch and he has a temper. 

Giles is a bad ass.

And as always, thank you so much for listening, supporting, commenting, and enjoying. Please make sure to visit our website and like us on Facebook for maximum enjoyment. 

Buffy Episode 2.14: Innocence

Happy Birthday, Buffy! No seriously, though. The 10th is Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s 20th anniversary. And we feel old.

Welcome to the second part of the epic duo episodes that chronicle Angel going all Angelus and we are both misty eyed and amused at once. Today, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 14 Innocence: Wherein all ye know and all ye need to know is ROCKET LAUNCHER. 

We talk about… well, a lot of stuff. Seriously, like, a lot. Just listen. But among all of it, we discuss Michelle’s (Snard’s) theory and in-depth research about the coded language of leather and velvet in the power dynamic of Angel and Buffy. There will be a post on Michelle’s Blog about it, so if you don’t follow everything, we have you covered. Also, we talk about Angel’s history, add some cargo onto Michelle’s ship of Angel and Spike. 

Did we mention rocket launcher?

Make sure to stay tuned for Michelle’s blog, and make sure to read Jen’s blog as well, and let us know what you like or would enjoy reading. Also, we’re still collecting iTunes reviews for our incentive goal. 

And as always, help us boost our signal by visiting our website, liking us on Facebook, sharing us with your Buffy-loving friends, and keeping in touch by emailing us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

Buffy Episode 2.13: Surprise

In today’s episode, we discuss the unforgettable Buffy Season 2 Episode 13 Surprise: Wherein Oh shit! It’s Buffy’s birthday! We have a TON of material that we cover, not the least being the possible meanings behind the prevalence of water and rain in this episode as well as the indications for who’s perspective we might be filtering this episode through. We also speculate heavily (and brilliantly, if we do say so) on the nature of Angel’s curse and what *true happiness* means. 

Oh yeah, and Willow and Oz become A Thing finally - or at least Willow says the word “date,” and Oz very calmly is indoctrinated into the Scoobies. Welcome, Oz. 

We are still working on getting reviews on iTunes to help us get to our incentives, so please help us out and write even just a few words about what you think of us. It helps us immensely. Also be sure to like us on Facebook for news and such, comment on the website, and feel free to email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com any time. 

Thank you so much for listening.

Buffy Episodes 2.9 & 2.10: What's My Line Parts 1 & 2

Welcome to our discussion of Buffy Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10, What’s My Line Part 1: Wherein we meet Kendra, Slayer of the Vampyres, and What’s My Line Part 2: Wherein Buffy’s only child syndrome makes an appearance for what will not be the last time. 

We make some observation about linguistic cues into the relationships between Spike, Angel, and Drucilla and some reasons Spike has to be jealous, begin our tracking of how the nature of the slayer and her lifecycle work (and which of the two slayers are actually the real one). We get to have a window via Kendra into the typical life of a Vampyre slayer and just how different Buffy is from the rest. We also discuss the evolution of Bangel and the blossoming of their shadow-relationship of Xander and Cordelia, all of which sets us up for the heartache we know is coming. We would also be remiss if we didn’t mention the crazy chemijstry between Angel and Dru and how their scene reveals the depth of the torment that Angelus visited on his object of lust, which might be relevant. 

Don’t forget our review incentives! When we get to 10 iTunes reviews, we are offering a big reward on our website www.diogenesclubpodcast.com wherein Snard will display her lack of shame by singing One Night in Bangkok, and the more reviews we get, the more extras will be created just for you — you might even get to tell us what you’d like to see next.

Buffy Episode 2.7: Lie to Me (Ripper Arc 2 of 3)

In this, our second episode of the Ripper Arc, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 7 Lie to Me: Wherein Giles weaves a breathtaking, heartbreaking lie. And everyone lies to everyone else. 

This episode is rife with symbolism and metaphor from beginning to end, taking us much deeper into the lies told by everyone — Giles, in particular. We also continue the returning of Angel’s past, and have many of his old issues come to the foreground as he struggles internal with past deeds - much as Giles is in our three episodes. We also have some hard truths coming Buffy’s way, and one of the saddest monologues in the whole of Buffy. 

We are so grateful to you, our Gentle Listeners. Please keep liking, sharing, and reviewing us anywhere you see fit and as always, we would love to hear from you — you can always reach us by commenting anywhere online or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

And because we wax poetic about this episode's discussion by Passion of the Nerd:

Buffy Episode 2.6: Halloween (Ripper Arc 1 of 3)

Today in our first episode of our Ripper Arc, we discuss the much-beloved Buffy Season 2 Episode 6 Halloween: Wherein Buffy damsels herself and Angel is not impressed, and we meet Ripper and the chaotically cunning Ethan Rayne.

We are finally here - the Ripper episodes! So make yourself a creamy or crunchy peanut butter sandwich (trust us, you’ll want one) and settle in for our 3-episode arc investigating Gile’s dark and difficult past coming back to haunt him and launching us into the consequences of unresolved past actions, and preparing us for some further secrets coming to light. We discuss many things including the tension Buffy feels with Angel’s past, some stellar acting from Nicholas Brendon, and also excellent work done by the prop and set dressing departments. Also, Latin. And Greek gods. 

We are so grateful to you, our Gentle Listeners. Please keep liking, sharing, and reviewing us anywhere you see fit and as always, we would love to hear from you — you can always reach us by commenting anywhere online or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com

We’ll be seeing you in our next episode of the Ripper Arc, Lie to Me, coming up next.


And just in case you want to see Anthony Steward Head flirting his ass off, we'll leave this here. 

Buffy Episode 2.3 School Hard

They're heeeere! In this episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 3:School Hard, Wherein We Meet Spike And Dru! (Insert girlish squeal of delight.) We delve into the metaphorical meanings behind Spike's presence in Buffy's life, expose a new shadow self for out plucky slayer, and examine some pretty interesting wardrobe meanings. 

Also, did we mention Spike and Dru? 

Please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, like us on Facebook, and comment anywhere you like, or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com to keep the conversation going. Also, we'd be pleased as punch if you'd write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or your listening platform of choice. 

Last but not least, if you have some time to kill, you can watch the reason Jen no longer watches anime: Unico and the Island of Magic