
Buffy Episode 2.8: The Dark Age (Ripper Arc 3 of 3)

Here we conclude our third and final episode of our Ripper Arc episodes with Buffy Season 2 Episode 8 The Dark Age: Wherein there is more Ripper (and more Ethan. Yay!). In this episode, Giles’ Ripper past comes back to haunt him in the most literal and worst way possible. We get to see Giles at his worst and from that as a consequence, we get to see the Scoobies and their metaphorical roles have to handle a difficult situation without Buffy’s mind. We also get to see Angel do something pretty helpful and bad ass. 

We learn though this episode (as well as the others) not only that Giles has a dark past, but also that he has a dark alter-ego just beneath the surface at all times. We are also rewarded with some heavy foreshadowing and interesting character movements that set us up for the next heartbreaking and amazing chapter of Buffy.

Michelle (Snard) also introduces her incentive to help us get more reviews to help us boost our ratings. It involves music. And singing. Review us on iTunes, and good and things will happen. 

One more time, please help us boost our signal, dear Gentle Listeners, in whatever ways you can. We are always, always happy to hear from you on the interwebs, facebook, or you can reach us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Be seeing you….

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains

 and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Buffy Episode 2.7: Lie to Me (Ripper Arc 2 of 3)

In this, our second episode of the Ripper Arc, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 7 Lie to Me: Wherein Giles weaves a breathtaking, heartbreaking lie. And everyone lies to everyone else. 

This episode is rife with symbolism and metaphor from beginning to end, taking us much deeper into the lies told by everyone — Giles, in particular. We also continue the returning of Angel’s past, and have many of his old issues come to the foreground as he struggles internal with past deeds - much as Giles is in our three episodes. We also have some hard truths coming Buffy’s way, and one of the saddest monologues in the whole of Buffy. 

We are so grateful to you, our Gentle Listeners. Please keep liking, sharing, and reviewing us anywhere you see fit and as always, we would love to hear from you — you can always reach us by commenting anywhere online or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

And because we wax poetic about this episode's discussion by Passion of the Nerd:

Buffy Episode 2.6: Halloween (Ripper Arc 1 of 3)

Today in our first episode of our Ripper Arc, we discuss the much-beloved Buffy Season 2 Episode 6 Halloween: Wherein Buffy damsels herself and Angel is not impressed, and we meet Ripper and the chaotically cunning Ethan Rayne.

We are finally here - the Ripper episodes! So make yourself a creamy or crunchy peanut butter sandwich (trust us, you’ll want one) and settle in for our 3-episode arc investigating Gile’s dark and difficult past coming back to haunt him and launching us into the consequences of unresolved past actions, and preparing us for some further secrets coming to light. We discuss many things including the tension Buffy feels with Angel’s past, some stellar acting from Nicholas Brendon, and also excellent work done by the prop and set dressing departments. Also, Latin. And Greek gods. 

We are so grateful to you, our Gentle Listeners. Please keep liking, sharing, and reviewing us anywhere you see fit and as always, we would love to hear from you — you can always reach us by commenting anywhere online or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com

We’ll be seeing you in our next episode of the Ripper Arc, Lie to Me, coming up next.


And just in case you want to see Anthony Steward Head flirting his ass off, we'll leave this here. 

Buffy Episode 2.5: Reptile Boy

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 5: Reptile Boy, Wherein Our Natural Aversion to Frat Parties is Reinforced. We talk about the continuing saga of Buffy's coming to terms with her blossoming sexuality and adulthood, discuss at length Angel's evolving roll in Buffy's life (and sidetrack ourselves on the nature of Buffy's and other fictional character's love lives), and begin Snakewatch 2017. All while observing the continuing smashing of the patriarchy that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Please continue to like, share, and review us on Facebook and elsewhere. And as always, you can contact us, comment, and give feedback on any of our online platforms, our website (www.diogenesclubpodcast.com) and by email at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

Stay tuned for next week's 3-episode release in our Ripper Arc, wherein we meet and discuss Gile's alter-ego--and one of our favorite characters--Ripper. 

Buffy Episode 2.4: Inca Mummy Girl

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 4 Inca Mummy Girl: Wherein Xander Continues His streak. We discuss the continuing overall themes and movements, some interesting parallels between the attraction between Buffy and Angel and Xander and Not-Ampata (aka the Life-Sucking, Twinkie-Mauling, Puzzle-Smashing asshole), and many other tiny hints of other things yet to come as well as the inner workings of the Scoobies and their reflection of Buffy's difficulties adjusting to her new life and relationship to being The Slayer post-mortem.

Please make sure to like us on Facebook, share us with your Buffy-loving friends, and review us on your listening platform of choice to help boost our signal. And as always, we are happy to hear from you in the comments or at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

Thank you for listening! 

Buffy Episode 2.3 School Hard

They're heeeere! In this episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 3:School Hard, Wherein We Meet Spike And Dru! (Insert girlish squeal of delight.) We delve into the metaphorical meanings behind Spike's presence in Buffy's life, expose a new shadow self for out plucky slayer, and examine some pretty interesting wardrobe meanings. 

Also, did we mention Spike and Dru? 

Please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, like us on Facebook, and comment anywhere you like, or email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com to keep the conversation going. Also, we'd be pleased as punch if you'd write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or your listening platform of choice. 

Last but not least, if you have some time to kill, you can watch the reason Jen no longer watches anime: Unico and the Island of Magic


Buffy Episode 2.2: Some Assembly Required

In today's episode, we discuss the shockingly layered and important episode of Buffy Season 2 Episode 2: Some Assembly Required, Wherein We Learn the Giles is Hot For Teacher and Sometimes it’s Really Tough to Get A Head. We know that this episode isn't on everyone's factories list, but we promise you do not want to miss our findings. 

We discuss the foreshadowing and development of several important romantic attachments, explore the allegorical implications of Daryl's existence and the possible things that might have gone wrong in bringing Buffy back from the dead, and also reveal some discoveries we made about mythological links into the Buffy cannon. 

As always we would love to hear from you! Please comment, like, share, and review us to help boost our signal. You can always reach us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com, www.diogenesclubpodcast.com, and on Facebook and Podbean. We heart our Gentle Listeners and would love to hear from you! 

And as promised: a link to some Sunnydale-esque science stuff happening now - the first human head transplant (ewww).

Buffy Episode 2.1 When She Was Bad

A Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! In today's episode, we talk about the second part of Buffy's resurrection story in Buffy Season 2 Episode 1 When She was Bad: Wherein We Find Out What Slayers are Like if They Don't Have Friends or Family But Do Have PTSD.

Many revelations abound in this episode, not the least among them the fact that David Boreanaz is the one in the Master's makeup in Buffy's dream.

Have a fantastic holiday in whatever way you choose, and please make sure to review us on iTunes or Stitcher, like us on Facebook, and start a discussion if you have any thoughts to add. We'll see you next time when we resume our normal posting schedule. 

Buffy Episode 1.12 Prophecy Girl

The holidays are already upon us, and so is the end of the first season of Buffy! In today's episode, we discuss the might, myth, and legendary themes in Buffy Season 1 Episode 12 Prophecy Girl: Wherein Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires, Breaks the First Rule of Slaying. 

This one is a heavy hitter, so we run a bit long. We dive right in with some further observations about the use of the color red, and then later get into a lengthy discussion about the nature of the slayer and vampire in Buffy lore. We also get to a seasonally appropriate subject and how it parallels Buffy's choices in this episode. 

Please make sure to comment, email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com, and share us with anyone who will enjoy what we do. Above all, make sure to be extraordinarily good to yourselves and those you care about this holiday season. 

And for your viewing a film education pleasure, watch at least this excellent episode of Every Frame a Painting. 

Buffy Episode 1.10 Nightmares

In today's episode we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 10: Nightmares; Where We Get A Shitload of Foreshadowing Via Waking Nightmares. We weren't feeling exceptionally well in the recording of this episode due to Rocky Horror Show acquired flu, so please excuse any awkward cuts and occasional coughing fits. 

In this episode we do indeed visit much foreshadowing, as well as begin exploring a newly discovered visual language in color and costuming choice in Buffy (red). We also explore the nature of fear and facing your fear in the Buffyverse, discuss our own fears a bit, and wax poetic about several off-topic subjects. 

And for your listening enjoyment, Creepy Doll by Jonathan Coulton. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent us feedback and reviewed our show!! Please keep in contact via info@diogenesclubpodcast.com, visit us online on Facebook and at www.Diogenesclubpodcast.com, and make sure to subscribe, like, share and review our show so we can boost the signal.




Buffy Episode 1.9 The Puppet Show

Today we talk about one of our favorite episodes from season 1 (no, really): Buffy Season One Episode Nine - The Puppet Show: Wherein We Are Introduced to Principle Snider and His Revolutionary Approach of Taking Care of Teenagers... there is also a puppet... and hilarity. 

This episode is hilarious and often seen as a fluff piece, but really acts as a fulcrum point for Buffy's development and sets up an overarching philosophy for her over the course of the rest of the show. There is also some amazing foreshadowing, visual storytelling, and humor to go with it. 

Make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, subscribe to us on your listening platform of choice and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, and help us boost our signal any way you can. We heart our Gentle Listeners and want to get as many as we can involved in the conversation. 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too!  


Buffy Episode 1.8: I Robot You Jane (Darkness Arc 3 of 3)

Here we conclude our 3-episode arc investigating Buffy and the Scoobie's tendency to dark attraction and investigate some of the shadow aspects of their true natures. We now discuss, Buffy Season 1 Episode 8 I Robot You Jane: In Which We are Warned of the Dangers of the Internets. We discuss the blooming romance between Giles (and his shirt collar) and Ms. Calendar, as well as follow the ultra-doomed and very ill-advised romance between Malcom (Mollock) as we broaden our understanding of the Buffyverse.

Please like and share, comment, email, and review to help us boost our signal and find more of those who like what we do. We are very, very appreciative of your support. Make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website www.diogenesclubpodcast, and email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too!  

Buffy Episode 1.6: The Pack (Darkness arc 1 of 3)

Welcome to our 3-episode journey exploring the aspects of Buffy's darkness and attraction to dark and not-quite-human things. In this, our exploration of the Xander-focused episode The Pack we discuss more in-depth the dark aspects of Buffy and her heart, see yet another of good teachers getting dead, explore the nature of the soul in the Buffyverse, and discuss the long-running consequences to Xander's perspective and character development after his walk on the wild side. 

Please support us by sharing us with your friends and/or write us a review on iTunes, stitcher, or Podean to help boost our signal. As always, we welcome discussion on https://www.facebook.com/DiogenesClubPodcast, our website, or email at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too! 

Musical links: 

- Reluctant Man by Sprung Monkey

- Job's Eyes by Far

Buffy Episode 1.5: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Today we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 5 Never Kill a Boy on a First Date: Wherein the slayer tries to have a normal date out with a normal boy and even he has a dark side. We explore how the Scoobies act as metaphor for Buffy's psyche, find yet another hint that Giles isn's all tweed and book dust, begin our arc of The Annointed, and watch some epic posturing from Angel in the Bronze.

If you enjoy our podcast, please help us spread the word by sharing us with the Buffy fans in your life, and make sure to subscribe on your platform of choice, visit us on Facebook and keep the conversation going about anything you wish.

Make sure to join us for next week's tripple feature!

And as promised: Buffy vs. Edward https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZwM3GvaTRM

Buffy Episode 1.4: Teacher's Pet

In today's episode we discuss Season 1 Episode 4 Teachers Pet: Wherein attempted statutory rape by a large preying mantis goes awry - go figure. We observe how costuming decisions indicate the attraction between Angel and Buffy, expand our understanding of the dangers in the Buffyverse, see the first example of Buffy's kinky hair indication of Something Being Off, and begin our discussion of how all the aspects of Buffy share an attraction to the demonic and strange. 

As a fledgling podcast, we depend on out gentle listeners to review us, rate us, and share among your friends. You can always find us on Facebook as well as our website (www.diogenesclubpodcast.com), and you can email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com any time. 

Buffy Episode 1.3: Witch

Hello! Today we talk about Buffy Season 1, Episode 3: Witch -- in which we learn which witch is which. As always, contained within are many spoilers and swears, so protect the newbies and the fragile-eared peeps in the world. 

Please help us spread the word by reviewing us on your listening platform of choice, liking us on Facebook, and sharing us with any Buffyverse fans in your life! 

Oh, and as mentioned in the podcast, here's a brief history of our high school, which was built on a park and also the old prison. Talk about Hell Mouth material. 

Buffy Episodes One and Two: Welcome to the Hellmouth & The Harvest

Welcome to the Hellmouth and The Harvest: Wherein we meet Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires

In this, our first official episode, we begin our discussion of how the cast of Buffy not only tells us the story of Buffy and her friends, but also the metaphorical rolls of the Scoobies as Buffy's internal workings and separate parts. (Giles = mind, Willow = spirit, and Xander = heart). We also discuss visual cues, costume as storytelling, and other things. 

There are many giggles, swears, and spoilers so please be advised. Make sure to subscribe on your media player of choice, share with your friends, and discuss at length anything you wish on our website (www.diogenesclubpodcast.com), Facebook, email and any other ways you wish to communicate. 

Also, as mentioned in the podcast: 

Giles as Dr. Frankenfurter.