
Buffy Episode 2.5: Reptile Boy

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 5: Reptile Boy, Wherein Our Natural Aversion to Frat Parties is Reinforced. We talk about the continuing saga of Buffy's coming to terms with her blossoming sexuality and adulthood, discuss at length Angel's evolving roll in Buffy's life (and sidetrack ourselves on the nature of Buffy's and other fictional character's love lives), and begin Snakewatch 2017. All while observing the continuing smashing of the patriarchy that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Please continue to like, share, and review us on Facebook and elsewhere. And as always, you can contact us, comment, and give feedback on any of our online platforms, our website (www.diogenesclubpodcast.com) and by email at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

Stay tuned for next week's 3-episode release in our Ripper Arc, wherein we meet and discuss Gile's alter-ego--and one of our favorite characters--Ripper. 

Buffy Episode 1.10 Nightmares

In today's episode we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 10: Nightmares; Where We Get A Shitload of Foreshadowing Via Waking Nightmares. We weren't feeling exceptionally well in the recording of this episode due to Rocky Horror Show acquired flu, so please excuse any awkward cuts and occasional coughing fits. 

In this episode we do indeed visit much foreshadowing, as well as begin exploring a newly discovered visual language in color and costuming choice in Buffy (red). We also explore the nature of fear and facing your fear in the Buffyverse, discuss our own fears a bit, and wax poetic about several off-topic subjects. 

And for your listening enjoyment, Creepy Doll by Jonathan Coulton. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent us feedback and reviewed our show!! Please keep in contact via info@diogenesclubpodcast.com, visit us online on Facebook and at www.Diogenesclubpodcast.com, and make sure to subscribe, like, share and review our show so we can boost the signal.




Buffy Episode 1.8: I Robot You Jane (Darkness Arc 3 of 3)

Here we conclude our 3-episode arc investigating Buffy and the Scoobie's tendency to dark attraction and investigate some of the shadow aspects of their true natures. We now discuss, Buffy Season 1 Episode 8 I Robot You Jane: In Which We are Warned of the Dangers of the Internets. We discuss the blooming romance between Giles (and his shirt collar) and Ms. Calendar, as well as follow the ultra-doomed and very ill-advised romance between Malcom (Mollock) as we broaden our understanding of the Buffyverse.

Please like and share, comment, email, and review to help us boost our signal and find more of those who like what we do. We are very, very appreciative of your support. Make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website www.diogenesclubpodcast, and email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

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