
Buffy Episode 2.17: Passion

Note: due to Snard's new job, we are now updating the podcast on Wednesdays for the foreseeable future. 

In today's episode we discuss the incomparable masterpiece of Buffy Season 2 Episode 17, Passion: Wherein... oh, mercy. 

We drink scotch and delay often, discuss the Shakespearean quality of this episode. We go into depth into the storytelling language of the film medium, lots and lots of costume analysis, and, well... this is one of our favorite episodes. 

We also speculate about the nature of Angelus' crime against the gypsies (hint: he might have turned her instead of killing her. And maybe had her kill her family...)

This episode begins asking the big question of the season: who are you when you have nothing left? And we begin to see what Buffy's answer might be. Plus, Snard/Michelle reveals who Giles' Greek myth counterpart is. Hint: his symbol is a flaming torch and he has a temper. 

Giles is a bad ass.

And as always, thank you so much for listening, supporting, commenting, and enjoying. Please make sure to visit our website and like us on Facebook for maximum enjoyment. 

Buffy Episode 2.12: Bad Eggs

**Please note that we have received some feedback about quiet audio, and we hear you (even if you couldn’t hear us!) The latest episodes have had a volume boost, and Snard is hard at work remastering all of our previous episodes for re-release as soon as possible. Let us know if we sound better!**

In today’s episode, we discuss Buffy season 2 Episode 12 Bad Eggs wherein we are inexplicably entertained by what is supposed to be a bad episode. Though this episode is primarily a bit of fluff and fun to carry us through the tempestuous emotions of the season’s coming turn of fate, we uncover that a lot more is going on than meets the eye initially, including some musical foreshadowing and cues, a little potential backstory of Angel’s darker days (and a fantastic cult film reference), as well as the fluctuating dynamics between the truth about Buffy’s life and her mother that will come to a breaking point by the end of the season. It’s a pretty fascinating time. 

We also discuss some changes to our review incentives we’re offering: ten iTunes reviews and Michelle/Snard will perform One Night in Bangkok, fifteen, and we will allow a vote on what will be done, and at twenty reviews, we will give our analysis and attentive treatment to the masterpiece of crowdfunding and cinema: Kung Fury. 

We really want to do these extra things, so please, please help us by posting an honest review. Also, like us on Facebook for updates and conversation, and always feel free to comment on our website ( or email us at