
Buffy Episode 2.18: Killed By Death

In today's show we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 18: Killed by Death - Wherein tact is just not saying true stuff. We talk about why Buffy got sick and the possibilities of influence of the PTBs in early Buffy, Cordelia's continuing evolution as part of the Scoobies, get some hints of the amazing man Xander will become as well as some troubling indications of Willow's moral compass. 

This episode of Buffy helps to set the stage of the final episode of this season and chapter of Buffy's journey into becoming the person who can make the hardest decision anyone could ever make. We have the difficult task of moving her beyond just missing Angel and into some who can lose everything and still find a strength greater than the sum of her parts. We have more work yet to do next week in Go Fish.

As always, thank you so much for listening and for your patience while Snard finishes transitioning into her new job and new schedule. Please make sure to like us on Facebook, check out our website for new things and future developments. And as always, please email us any time at

And because Der Kindestad reminds us of The ErlKing: